Our Clients



Target Setting
Your ESG targets can be housed, allocated and tracked in one repository
Risk Management
Identify, manage and monitor environmental, social and corporate governance risks and controls
Capture the requirements of ESG laws, regulations and guidance to meet ESG standards locally and globally
Create powerful ESG dashboards and customised reports for the Board and your regulator(s)
Third Parties
Our vendor and client due diligence solutions ensure that your external parties meet your ESG targets
Conduct ESG audits, stress testing and scenario testing within our fully integrated platform
Can work with any regional, national or international regulatory framework, including EU, PRA, FCA, SEC, BMA, ISOs and ESG
Capture all regulatory return deadlines and reporting events in one repository
One regulatory business timeline in one place across all functions
Workflow reviews and submissions and see at a glance the status of upcoming submissions
Receive customised notifications for when deadlines approach
Any questions?
The Decision Focus team are here to answer your questions.